add limiter, avoid clippage
add limiter, avoid clippage
Thx for the feedback. I want to remake this song someday, add some better mixing, and maybe make it longer. but that's for another day thanks for the review. 👍
An emotional start opens up to an orchestral wonderland of winded instuments, blended beautifully together with a lone man clapping starting a massive uproar of dub-stuff, personally, I think your orchestral work outshines the dub, but it really feels out of place trying to imagine what could have been done with an orchestral opening rather than mixing some dub in, the lead and dub seems to overpower the flute which in turn is louder than both but seems out of place when mixed together, overall it doesn't sound so bad, but I was expecting a more complex closure of this piece.
creative critique, thank you, il keep those things in mind as i try to improve.
- Pandasticality
I guess you finally found a good song to throw in those familiar tricks of orchestral rises at, They work well with the laid back easygoing of the song, Your synths sound great but not all the notes please my ears with the meaty one starting at :31 seems almost to harsh for a mellow song like this, and the repeated notes around :50 surprisingly work and continue to give the song a space feeling all throughout, the loop cycle is great and I can see this in a sort of alien war space game.
thanks, really good input, I am trying to fix this song as I can right now. I'll see about those notes
I'm surprised the piano manages to shine through the scratchy snare near the beginning that seems to drown anything out, It sounds nice and continues to shine until the lead and hat start to overcome it along with the brass, But then it's dub time which seems too messy to me but I rarely dabble in dub, The simple synth rises and wizzles go great with the overall theme and the piano peeks in throughout to keep a sense of sanity, The Funk rub rhythm around 3:55 is great but the 8-bit synth seems over lived after it's pitch rise, Overall a good, great, complete sounding track with a simple but proper pianotic ending.
Starts out empty, but full of potential, Oh what will arise from the emptiness? x (:20)
The melody starts and I begin to chime, feel the bass, feel it rhyme. x (:41)
I'm from a world of all that is unknown, why don't you come, see me unfold for all that I could be? Doncha see? (1:48)
Twirling about i'm inside myself wondering where to go. (2:24)
What will I do with all these things?
What are these humans for?
What about today?
Cool Bubbles
My ears hurt now
Basically, It sounds very nice and it all flows very well, Nice choice of expressed wavelicals. could add a bit here and there and do with a little bit of change of the melody later in the song ( surprised the bassline didn't get older quicker for me)
let's make babies <3
The intro is great, leading onto a basic buildup but with weak subtones (later defined melodic influence @ :22.) I think these can be upped a little bit more as they sound great but are being washed over slightly, the poppy orchestral at :44 could be upped aswell, and there is a lot of potential in this to expand.
Based on my research, subtone does not exist. It is probably a drug you were snorting.
Thanks for reviewing forest. Makes me happy
"I hear NG raping quality."
Some of the pads seem to float for a little too long at times in certain frequencies, I don't notice anything sounding bad, nice, soft, and slow, although a few are "too" slow, there's a mystical balance between heavy and soft, slowly pulsating, at times it seems to be almost too much but then it backs down again, there's a few things here and there to reward replayability, almost hiddenesque effects deep in the sound, The effect that comes in at 4:12 is a little harsh, a little crackley, my ears didn't take this too well with the atmosphere which is being presented (but the bottle popping sure is, nicely done), At 5:00 it shifts into what seems to be a darker side, I'm having a little bit of trouble identifying what it is, but nonetheless, for now, it works, It all comes back again and peaceful, blissful, whatever you wish to use, when I first heard the little synth at 6:30, I didn't think it would fit, but then it does if you just let it wrap around you, the breathing sound is a little strange, I would imagine slower, softer breaths to be more fitting.
And then the end, everything seems to blow up all the sudden, there was still momentum, still a strong atmosphere to work with, and it's gone, I don't understand the sudden loss of the breathing, it was only there for a short amount of time, then it stops, and it all comes crashing down, the atmosphere, the trance, the ephereal feel of an aura of frequencies, gone.
I personally think that the "slow" is perfect. I don't think that anything in this song is to slow, in fact notes don't drag on for more than a few seconds. There is a lot changing in this song in the background and in the foreground to create a constant, slow movement of sound. The ending is suppose to end like that, because it just gives this feeling of death, in my opinion. Every euphoric feeling should vanish at the end, but leave behind a trace in your brain that will keep you thinking about what the song really does mean.
Basically, you don't like the song because of how the sounds are being presented, and it all confused you. The frequencies are fine, in my opinion, because they offer a nice, constant feel to the song. Thanks for the review. :)
Reminds me of a thomas newman track but more laid back, and in a way, maybe even a little bit more emotional, the pads and layering are never too heavy, The melody is slow enough to completely flow with the rest of the atmosphere, a great mixture of sad while also having a sense of hope in the synths which create a great melancholy feeling while not being too overpowering, Nor is this too repetitive, Just the right amount, I understand that the full high-quality version would not have the quality loss most noticeable around 6:30, So I will not let that impact this review in any way, The way the song mysteriously floats to it's conclusion is great.
Overall, I enjoy this greatly, Thank you for creating a piece as this, I have tried myself to creating such an influential mindset track as you have here, You can listen to it one day, and depending how you feel or react to it it could be one thing, and the next something else, I have experienced this as an enjoyable happy song, and as a reflection of sadness and melancholy a few days later.
Thank you.
Thank you for such a thoughtful review! The high quality version is 11MB and actually makes 6:30 sound just a BIT better. The bass is more noticeable as well. Comparing this to a more emotional version of Thomas Newman is one of the best compliments I could get. I really focused on trying not to make it sound to repetitive, and played it by heart. I was in a meditative state at the time, as said, so the reason there is so much emotion behind it is because I played it from heart, much as a piano composer plays a song.
The best thing you said is that you can listen to it one day, and depending how you feel you will react to it a certain way. That is very true :)
perfection is a fabrication of a unified sociative collective.
Age 33, Male
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Joined on 2/20/07