The others, Other people, Have a strong repulsion to me, They are crude, ineffiencent, guilty-suspecting, But forced to communicate frequently (ie.Job) They not only become accepting, but supportive, needy, and friendly in a matter of days to weeks.
"Does it look like I fucking care?, Dude get away from me god-damn"
Have I really gained such an ability to be intertwined, No. Learn so many personalities I can turn my acquatinces opinions about me in a positive light without me even knowing it?.
"Oh Yeah, Is that right?, Ahahaha!"
When I meet even new people that seem like they have a personality of someone who I even used to know, I can make friends almost instantlly.
I caught myself acting just like Tony in the mirror again... I swear I scared myself when I looked into my eyes and saw someone else...
How they spoke, How they walked, Talked, The spectrum of even there favourite vocabulary, body language, tone...
Man, This is fucked up
I even convinced my counseler I was completely normal.
All 7
I can be them, too.
tykwa what have you become
tykwa who will you be
tykwa where are you going
tykwa when will you find yourself
tykwa why
Hope you enjoyed this fucked up story.
Have a good 2016 NG!, I plan on making more music!
Well I don't know about you, but I'm confused.